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Rising Voices: Listening to the world on its own terms
Preserving a language has multiple elements. It’s about ensuring that
scripts are digitized, so that we can read and write a language online —
this might i...
3 hours ago
3 hours ago
Photo: Nanjing under a snow blanket, by Edwin Wisse
[image: A narrow alleyway, whose sidewalks, parked cars, buildings, and
trees are covered in a thick blanket of snow. On the left of the alley is a
9 hours ago
在這類社群平台之中,TikTok 又是特別容易讓複雜的地緣政治關係被簡化、激化的一個;上面流通的訊息,也常常經過刻意曲解。
2 months ago
I've been following protests in Taiwan with a great deal of sympathy for
the students, admittedly lukewarm support for the details of their cause,
and tre...
10 years ago
13 years ago